Comment 15 for bug 179589

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KoRi (koen-ribus) wrote : Re: [Bug 179589] Re: PDF Import: spaces removed from font names

> But why? The "complete word" requirement should only apply to the
> names on Inkscape side, which have spaces, not the PDF names.
Yes, that's how it works.
> So if
> you have a font "AvantGarde Blah Blah" installed, both these names
> would match its first word completely, and thus have the same rating.
My concern was that in case there are multiple AvantGarde fonts
installed ("AvantGarde Bk BT" and "AvantGarde Md BT") both match equally
well to "AvantGardeITCbyBT-Book" or "AvantGardeITCbyBT-Medium" and then
just the first one found is chosen which of course is not guaranteed to
be the right one (cases 1 and 3 in the attached file; "AvantGarde Bk BT"
is chosen in both cases because it's the first best match found, while
it is only correct for case 1).

In case the pdf uses "AvantGardeBkBT" and "AvantGardeMdBT", as is the
case with the pdf created from PS via GhostScript, there is no problem
and the correct font is chosen (cases 2 and 4 in the attached file).
> Also, if you have name with spaces in PDF, like "AvantGarde Bk BT",
> doesn't it mean that it is already non-PS and does not need replacing?
Yes, when it is specified in the pdf as the family name it is used as
is, else it will fully match the name of the installed font. Both these
cases are ok.

Was not sure if it we could live with these inaccuracies for now?