Comment 11 for bug 179589

Revision history for this message
KoRi (koen-ribus) wrote :

Updated patch:
- now checks that at least the first word of the font name matches.
  -> Would it be better if in case no matching font is found to just copy the (stripped) font-name from the pdf instead of setting the default (Arial) as is done now? (However this causes the font-selector to default to "sans", which seems impossible to change manually to another font easily).
  -> Should there be a minimal number of matching characters in case the first 'word' of the font name is very short (eg. MV Boli)?

- Improved the speed by only fetching the list with font names one time for each SvgBuilder instance. Should be reasonable now.

- as for '-inkscape-font-specification' ... I didn't change anything there (do not understand enough of how it works with PangoFontDescription and the changes related to Bug #169973). However when you say "... to store the exact font name as specified in PDF ..." that means without spaces and with style suffixes (eg.: TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT) as it is now, right? Does it also need to include the prefixes that might be present in the pdf (eg.: DAAAAA+TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT) which is currently not the case?

Hope I don't take too much of your time with all my questions ...