Comment 1 for bug 1735213

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Friedrich Volkmann (volki) wrote :

I provided the OS version, but forgot to mention the OS name, which is FreeBSD.

Anyway, what really matters is the window manager configuration. I use the X window system (xorg) with the fvwm2 window manager. The erroneous behaviour occurs in "SloppyFocus" mode (and certainly in FocusFollowsMouse mode too), but not in "ClickToFocus" mode. As this is the only mode available in MS Windows, I assume that MS Windows users are not affected by this bug.

The new window gets the focus at first, but when it does not fill up the whole screen and the mouse pointer is outside this window, the SloppyFocus and FocusFollowsMouse modes give the focus to whatever window is visible at the mouse position. So far that's ok. Then the new window moves to the background (that's strange, because the window manager does not normally change the z-axis order of the windows unless told so), and the focussed window receives the panels that should have gone to the new window.