Comment 3 for bug 172158

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Shaved Wookie (shavedwookie) wrote :


To me this is a *critical feature*. I totally assumed this would have been in Inkscape many versions ago, and well before many of the nifty tools we now have (eg 3D blocks). If you look at the wish lists and bug reports this feature features many, many times, even if the wording is often very different. Users are invariably told to just use the caligraphy tool, which removes almost all of the ease of editing the path later. A curve I drew in an experiment used 6 nodes. To trace over that same curve with the caligraphy tool used 73 *over 12 times the number of nodes*. I'm sure that adding interpolation between each node of a path would slow path rendering down somewhat, 20% maybe, 100%? I'm sure it wouldn't slow it down 12 times though (%1200).

Thanks though Inkscape team. Your work is massively appreciated and ripples out, improving the look of the whole open source world (I'm using it on Secret Maryo Chronicles the GPL side scrolling platform game).

Shaved Wookie