Comment 9 for bug 172137

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

Rev 14778 for Pattern-Along-Path had a flaw: the initial actual scale of the pattern width of a path drawn with shape 'Ellipse' is not stored correctly in the SVG source (i.e. initial rendering on-canvas does not necessarily match the prop_scale written to the path effect definition in the <defs> section). An update of the path effect definition can only be forced if the 'Path Effects' dialog has been opened at least once in the current session (see workarounds below) - note that the user has no need for the 'Path Effects' dialog when using a shape for the drawing tools (thus this flaw could have been exposed easily).

Steps to reproduce with _archived_ build:
1) launch inkscape with default (new) prefs, default new doc based on en_US template
2) zoom to 100% ('1')
3) switch to the bezier tool ('B')
4) select 'Ellipse' as shape
5) draw a (curved) path
6) save drawing, close window
7) reopen just saved drawing
--> the path now renders much wider (at '1.00')
8) draw a new path (same settings)
--> unexpectedly, the new path and the old path render with different pattern widths on-canvas
9) save drawing, close window
10) reopen just saved drawing
--> both paths now render with the same width, but much wider than originally drawn

Known workarounds:
Before saving the drawing (step 5, 9), force update of width parameter value:
a) open 'Path Effects' dialog, de- and re-select just drawn path
b) open 'Path Effects' dialog, switch to the node tool, use <TAB> to select a node, nudge it with cursor keys (e.g. a tick up and down again) to force update of width parameter

Note that above flaw is present in both pre-releases of 0.92.x (tarballs of 0.92pre0, 0.92pre1) - on the other hand current builds of lp:inkscape/0.92.x and trunk do _not_ expose it because of the commit which in return caused bug #1621234.

Proposing to reopen this report - not all aspects of 'stroke' scaling (e.g. via width parameter) for LPEs had been fully solved (work-in-progress is currently tracked in bug #1621234).