Comment 1 for bug 171880

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O--b (o--b) wrote :

Originator: NO

The simplest work around is to use the UTF character • (decimal code:
8226). You can copy and paste it right from this report, or while typing in
text, hit Ctrl+u (like unicode) and type it's hexadecimal code: 2022 then
On a more general level, I don't thing SVG covers this kind of semantics
for text, it rather belongs to (x)html. I see two possible levels of
1/Find a way to get an SVG from an (x)html renderer (I guess that when
gecko will use cairo this will be doable in one step). Right now, AFAIK,
this would involve quite circumvented & proprietary steps (print in a pdf
-- also works from OOo, opens the pdf in Adobe Illustrator, save s SVG).
2/Add to inkscape the capability of managing XHTML natively (creates and
render XHTML+SVG mixed documents). Would require a large amount of work +
does not seems in the scope of the project (inkscape is an SVG editor)
3/Create an extension able to parse a subset of xhtml and render it as
svg. Basics could be easy, but advanced css features might be quite hard
(most basic stuff can be forwarded as is from html to svg, but
positionning, display type, etc is harder)
4/OOo drawing module is able to export svg, while I had some small isues,
this works:
*Copy&Paste your text from OOo writer to OOo Draw, then export to svg.
*Open the svg in inkscape: text is invisible, select it from the xmleditor
and make it black
*Kerning is somehow messed up (use of embedded fonts ?), correct it
I did not test this method thoughtfully, feel free to report your