Comment 1 for bug 171726

Revision history for this message
Horkana-users (horkana-users) wrote :

Originator: NO

Patches welcome.

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The Rename Layer dialog is an artifact from past versions of Inkscape.
The menu item in the Layers menu needs to pop a dialog.

I would recommend keeping the dialog for now, and later taking the lead
from Adobe Photoshop and changing this to a Layer Properties dialog ("Edit
Layer Attributes" in GIMP) which could later be used for more than just the
layer name. (Adobe Photoshop 7 includes the option to colour tag layers,
this can help when organising an image with many layers and the colour
indication makes them stick out prominently in the Layers dialog. More
recent versions of photoshop have I believe added even more layer features,
even seperate histories for individual layers although I'm not sure where
exactly this functionality gets displayed.)

A tuturial explaining about layers in Adobe Photoshop including a
screenshot of the layer properties dialog.