Comment 1 for bug 171631

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Buliabyak-users (buliabyak-users) wrote :

Originator: NO

I'm wary of adding logarithmic to the mix. We won't be able to call it
"percents" then, because percents are linear, and that will make them much
harder to figure out. And if you suggest to actually draw a logarithmic
scale in the slider, it's much more trouble than it's worth. I don't think
the nonlinearity of blur perception is such a big problem to go into all
this trouble. Once you get used to how the blur percentage works it becomes

Small blur values for huge objects: consider that when you view the entire
image, with all of the huge object visible, such small blur will be simply
not noticeable. So it makes sense that you can't set it. And if you want
your image to show only a part of the huge object, just clip it to the
visible part - that will reduce its bbox correspondingly and the blur %
will allow you to set the small value easily.

Pasting the blur radius separately: might be a good idea, but I'm not sure
it's so often needed as to warrant a command of its own. Besides there are
workarounds. Workaround one: group two objects, blur the group, and the
ungroup them and move back to their original z-order positions. Workaround
two: duplicate the object to which you want to paste blur; paste style
including blur; copy the duplicate; paste style again - that will restore
all the style but preserve the blur; delete the duplicate.