Comment 1 for bug 171438

Revision history for this message
Horkana-users (horkana-users) wrote :

See also

> Toggle toolbars action, to hide the toolbox and all the
standard toolbars but not the docked panels/palettes.

in inkscape/share/keys/macromedia.xml (name has changed,
dont remeber it off the top of my head) I explained this a
little more clearly:
  <!-- Freehand has a menu item "Toolbars Ctrl+Alt+T" to
hide all Toolbars -->
  <!-- Freehand "View, Panels F4" also Ctrl+Shift+H
  Fireworks uses "Window, Hide Panels F4" to hide both
Panels and Toolbox -->

(Freehand usually contains one toolbar, a toolbox and loads
of Panels on the right and below the image.)

Even more possible verbs (if the necessary features existed):

Freehand includes a "Fast Mode" which can be enabled with or
without Keyline (Wireframe) mode, and it turns off a lot of
detail and uses other tricks to speed up rendering (for
example, when wireframe is off it turns down the level of
blending used). there is no direct equivalent in Inkscape
but I mention it here in case it becomes possible, and with
more potentially unavoidably slow filters and effects like
blurring it seems worth mentioning.

Paste Attributes Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V
if I recall correctly this works a lot like a Style painter
as seen in Abiword and other word processors but I'm not
entirely sure and I really should dig out another demo copy
of Freehand to check it. would probably require quite a bit
of work to offer this feature.