Comment 5 for bug 171212

Revision history for this message
Bug Importer (bug-importer) wrote :

I would also find very usefull a fullscreen mode like the
one found in the Gimp (now everybody can check what it
means), that is when the drawing area fills the entire
screen, without anything to steal the screen estate. That
way one can draw freely using all the screen.

One other advantage is the possibility to fit an A4 page on
the all screen, without having it reduced to much when the
user only have a 15' display (most laptops).

It would be also really convenient for tablet users, who
could use the whole tablet area instead of just part of it.

Two solutions could be implemented :
- a simple one, just hiding the menus/icons and showing them
when leaving fullscreen (we would be able to survive using
shortcuts). Ideal for Windows users;
- a more difficult one, but far better for those that have a
decent OS with virtual screen, is to dissociate the
menu/icon window in fullscreen mode (think about VLC
fullscreen mode). That way we would have a virtual screen
like a blank sheet of paper, and could just switch virtuall
screens to change tools and options.

Of course, it's also possible to separate the drawing window
from the menu/icons window at all times (à la Gimp), but
personnally I like Inkscape normal mode. Just wish for a
decent fullscreen mode :) OTOH, keep up the good work
because it's a wonderfull app!