Comment 0 for bug 170858

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Mimooh- (mimooh-) wrote :

The technic to create images I use is draw strokes with
calligraphic tool. The hard part is to put color below
the strokes.

When the final shape, that is made of few separate
strokes is closed I use this procedure:
a) union all shapes
b) create rectangle to contain the shape
c) path::division

That procedure produces the object with needed shape
and size that can be colored and then be put below the
original strokes and it makes the job finished.

If the shape made of strokes is not closed, then
path::division doesn't work so there's some extra
stroke needed to always close the shape.

Anyway, the request for feature is to create a way to
easily create color-shape for a given stroke-shape. The
attachment should makes things clear.

mimooh at inf sgsp edu pl