Comment 1 for bug 170552

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Khealy (khealy) wrote :

With regard to the dialogs being unecessarily wide, I
believe this is due to some autosizing mechanism based on
the content it will hold.
For example, the minimum width of the "Document Preferences"
dialog seems to be governed by the length of the "CC
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" License option on the
Metadata tab.

I would also request that all dialogs would have the same
width, so that they could be placed in a column (or the same
height, so that they could go in a row across the bottom of
the screen).

An extension of this would be to have a "Tile Dialogs"
command, that would automatically arrange the dialogs along
one or more of the sides of the main window.
This is somewhat like the following RFE on docking dialogs.

Assuming that one is going to have at least one dialog
permanently on screen, then it is hard to see much negative
impact of this type of window/dialog layout......since
windows are rectangular, the main window will not be shrunk
any more by having a column of dialogs as opposed to just one.