Comment 34 for bug 170378

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LucaDC (lucadc) wrote :

~suv wrote:
>You completely ignore other users
No, I don't. I just said that, in order to not have this sort of problems, I pay a lot of attention, so rounding problems don't affect me. No other user is involved in this, only me.

Also, I work a lot with imported PDFs so I perfectly know what you are (and I am) talking about.
I already stated that the selection with tolerance would be really useful, exactly in these scenarios.
But it shouldn't be the only possibility (at least without the option of setting the tolerance to 0) because I don't want to have "similar" strokes to be selected, but only identical ones. The "similar" concept is too subjective and could fit for someone but not for others. Just to be explicit, this is _my_ workflow and I don't want to say that it's the only possible one or that it's better than others'. It's simply the one I need in a search engine to be useful for me.

Moreover, I can assure that if you always specify 1 mm as stroke width, no matter how it's internally represented, but it will always be the same for all objects and the exact match will always occur, so it's reliable (if you also are in specifying values). The same is true if you copy-paste stroke attributes.
Regarding the px unit, it suffers of the same problems as all other units if you start stretching and scaling objects.

> [...] and also might have an interest in refined selection methods based on different stroke style properties
This approach ends up in tons of selection options. This wanted to be just a quick and handy one. A dialog is better suited for this kind of needs: the "Find" one is the right place and should be better developed in this way.
I was just reasoning on what "same stroke" could mean, in a general scope and simply expressed my thoughts. I'm still waiting for different interpretations.

With regard to the parent's attributes, it's a difficult aspect.
Let's say you select all 1 px width strokes but there are some that have a 2 px width but their parent have a 50% reduction. So all have a graphical width of 1 px. Would you select them all? If so, what if you redefine all as 1,5 px width? They are not going to look the same width as before.
And if you decide to select all 1 px width disregarding their parents' transforms, you'll end up having selected strokes that have different "visual" widths.
I can't say what's better to do with this. For my approach, I'd prefer the second scenario (disregarding parents' transforms), but it's just my taste.