Comment 26 for bug 170378

Revision history for this message
ScislaC (scislac) wrote :


We need to stay away from different clicks do different things in menus. It's non-obvious and we don't do this anywhere else in the menus.

I can see the following things being useful (over the top and no doubt incomplete list, also, the Fill Type description was for explanation here, not in the actual menu):

Select Same > Style
Select Same > Fill and Stroke
Select Same > Fill Type (color, linear gradient, radial gradient, swatch, pattern, etc)
Select Same > Fill Color
Select Same > Stroke Style
Select Same > Stroke Width
Select Same > Stroke Color
Select Same > Stroke Dash Pattern
Select Same > Stroke Markers
Select Same > Stroke Start Markers
Select Same > Stroke Mid Markers
Select Same > Stroke End Markers
Select Same > Text Style
Select Same > Text Font
Select Same > Text Size
Select Same > Opacity
Select Same > Filter
Select Same > Live Path Effect