Comment 22 for bug 170356

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trlkly (trlkly) wrote :

I apologize ahead of time if the following should have been sent to the mailing list instead of being listed on this bug. Other such comments seem to be here, so I assume this is the right place.

A true per-object implementation would ideally need to handle images as well. SVG 1.1 defines an image-rendering property that can be used to handle this. The currently recommended way to implement image-rendering="optimizeSpeed" is to use nearest neighbor scaling. It would be great to use that option on images rather than shape-rendering="crispEdges" property.

Ideally, the CSS property image-rendering will be completed, and we can use something more explicit such as image-rendering: crispEdges or, better yet, image-rendering: pixelated. Unfortunately, right now, those still use browser specific prefixes, which I believe are out of scope for Inkscape.

Neither shape-rendering="crispEdges" nor image-rendering="optimizeSpeed" explicitly disable anti-aliasing, so I don't think that should be a problem. As far as I know, all platforms that have implemented those properties use a nearest-neighbor scaling algorithm. They are thus the only method of implementing aliasing in SVG 1.1.