Comment 1 for bug 170328

Revision history for this message
Horkana-users (horkana-users) wrote :

These kinds of questions are more suited to the inkscape
user mailing list. However we try very hard to be helpful
and friendly here so I will do my best to answer your
question anyway.

Adobe Illustrator should be able to import the SVG exported
by Inkscape without modifcations. Please let us know if it
Adobe Illustrator should definately be able to import the
SVG exported by Inkscape if you make sure to choose the
"Standard SVG" option which removes some Inkscape specific
features from the saved file (such as guides for example).

Macromedia do not support SVG but that is probably because
they want everyone to use Flash but still they should be
import SVG.
If you are a paying customer of Macromedia I would certainly
encourage you to complain to them about it and request they
add some sort of support.

Exporting as EPS, Encapsulated Postscript should be a format
that can be imported by applications that do not support SVG.

Better copy and paste support is another question entirely,
it is not a feature that exists yet and would definately
take a considerable amount of work.
Again asking the list would be advisable.