Comment 0 for bug 169752

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Nitrofurano (nitrofurano) wrote :

Since good and popular palettes like Pantone, Trumatch,
Toyo, etc. are missing on open-source applications, and
it seems to be not very ethic distributing patented
files, i think it's no problem providing converters can
convert these ones from .acf and .bcf Freehand's colour
palette files to .gpl palettes used on Inkscape and Gimp

The only problem is about Freehand and Illustrator
being most focused on CMYK colours, and Inkscape,
because the svg defaults, more based on RGB, even these
converters targeting to extract only the RGB colours,
the result may be not that good as expected - it's a
kind of 'better-than-nothing' solution...

The usage for this converters is 'python
test1.acf > test1.gpl' or 'python
test2.bcf > test2.gpl' - as always, for avoiding
mistakes, get sure you have a backup of all stuff
you're converting from.

Posting these converters, i'd like to ask colour
researchers to develop open-source and patent-free
palettes (solid colour, cmyk, rgb, cie-lab, etc.) would
face in quality those ones from Pantone and others.