Comment 6 for bug 1693027

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Alvin Penner (apenner) wrote :

Thank you for the last comment. I could not figure out how you got the mm units into the specification of (for example)
The Inkscape gui does not seem to support the use of such units when drawing a circle by hand, although it does interpret them if they are typed in manually using the XML editor. So this needs to be fixed in the dxf output.

As a separate issue, however, I should warn you that your radii specified as above, are currently being misinterpreted by the Inkscape gui as well, independently of the dxf output. If I highlight the above circle with r="0.0015875002mm", then I expect the width to be exactly .003175mm, since the stroke width is zero. However the Select tool shows the width to be .012mm, which is too high by a ratio of 96/25.4. Since this is not related to dxf output, I am going to report it as a separate bug.