Comment 22 for bug 168627

Revision history for this message
atenrok (atenrok) wrote :

> Excuse me if my question seems repetitive or reiterative. Rest assured that whenever I take part in a report it's because I read the messages before.

my apologies for this one, I did not mean to be rude or something, just pointed out.

> 1*
> 2*
> 3*
> Your comment #14 made me think that you would benefit from case 1*, while comments #16 and 20# seemed to point to case 2*. There my confusion and why I reiterated the question on my comment #19.

I say I'd benefit from all 3 cases. Lets say I almost never have a document in which I want all the graphics to be exported. Just want to point out that in case 3* the bounding box better be the size of the exported graphics, not the size of the page, if the graphics if outside the page.

> Of course, this is not directly related to your problem, Mr. Korneta, as all three points above will need from a "do not include objects outside of area of interest in PDF"; and this should be an option as some users want to keep them while others might not. When I see reports with many user experiences I try to develop a multilateral solution and thus I've to ask a lot ;).

when exporting to .pdf one already has the pop-up window asking about pdf version and converting text to paths. So why not to include there a checkbox "Include the objects outside the bounding box [ ]" (cleared by default, obviously)

> Now my 2 cents:
> * Export area: page, whole drawing, selection or slice X.

I didn't ask for slice and can't think about any personal usercase, so I abstain from discussion.