Comment 1 for bug 167834

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Daniel Pope (djpope) wrote :


These graphics appear to require Javascript scripting, which
Inkscape does not support. Scripting is not required for a
conforming static SVG viewer.

The same script is used in all the images. Note that the
scripting doesn't even work in Firefox; it appears to refer
to some variable evt which is in scope in the onload=""
event handlers, something which I don't think is in the specs.

The animation test requires SMIL animation, which again,
Inkscape doesn't support.

I think the other problems do constitute bugs in Inkscape,

- CSS styles applying to <defs> elements aren't inherited by
their children
- <pattern> elements are ignored if specified outside of a
<defs> section.

I think, looking at the spec, <defs> isn't given any special
status over, say, <g> and these examples really should work.