Comment 2 for bug 167714

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Idangazit (idangazit) wrote :

I'm not an Inkscape developer, so ultimately this decision
lies with you. That being said, I disagree with this being a
"feature request", and I'll try to make my case.

1. The feature request you link to covers a related case,
whereby you get a too-large window on the screen. This
subcase is related from a technological point-of-view, but
from a functionality viewpoint it is completely different.
In that case, you have an inconvenienced user who must move
and resize the window a little in order to work. In the case
of windows opening offscreen, there is *no way* for users to
"fix" the brokenness short of knowing how to hand-edit svg

2. "Garbage in Garbage out" is fine if you're talking about
file contents -- I don't assert that you should make special
efforts to render a garbage shape or gradient. However in
this case, we're talking about application metadata created
by, in this case, Inkscape. Either inkscape should be
producing files which open at some sane location, or
inkscape should have a little extra smarts when it comes to
opening files which have metadata that place the window
offscreen. If your problem is with the garbage, then fix it
on either end, since inkscape is the one producing the
garbage data too.

I believe that fixing the loading side of things is the
better approach since it will allow Inkscape to deal
gracefully with "garbage" metadata of this kind from other
SVG producers as well. Fixing how inkscape saves documents
breaks saved-placement functionality, would have to rely on
a lowest-common-denominator solution like placing the window
at 0x0 on a 640x480 screen, etc...

This is not a new feature, it's a bug. A bug which cannot be
circumvented in some fashion from within inkscape, and which
results in an unusable application unless you know that SVG
files are just XML, and decide to go digging inside to fix them.

Please reconsider the classification. I won't bug again, and
I'm not trolling, just making a (hopefully well-reasoned and
-worded) case. If not, I apologize for marking the bug REOP
and my thanks either way for an app I love and cherish.
