Comment 0 for bug 1672811

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IFo Hancroft (ifohancroft) wrote :

I have made a default.xml file under .config/inkscape/keys/ in my home directory to change the keys so Select All is set to A instead of Ctrl+A and Select All in All Layers is set to Ctrl + A instead of Ctrl + Alt + A. After that opening Inkscape and testing: A works as Select All (as I expect it to). However Ctrl+A also still works as Select All instead of Select All in All Layers (I don't expect that). Select All in All Layers still is Ctrl+Alt+A (I don't expect that).

Here is the default.xml I've made:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<keys name="My custom shortcuts">
  <bind key="a" action="EditSelectAll" display="true" />
  <bind key="A" action="EditSelectAll" />
  <bind key="a" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditSelectAllInAllLayers" display="true" />
  <bind key="A" modifiers="Ctrl" action="EditSelectAllInAllLayers" />

Even if my default.xml is a total copy of the stock default.xml or inkscape.xml the same thing happens.

If I open Inkscape the Key Preferences show it as overriden and all gui buttons show the new keys, however Ctrl+A still acts as Select All instead of Select All in All Layers.

I don't know if this is to some extend the cause of the issue but I'd propose making it so the custom default.xml (if it doesn't have the standalone="no" part overrides the stock default.xml instead of keys present in the custom default.xml overriding the stock default.xml
For example if I have default example that's a total copy of the stock one and then I delete the lines:
<bind key="n" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FileNew" display="true" />
  <bind key="N" modifiers="Ctrl" action="FileNew" />

FileNew shouldn't be set to anything when Inkscape is opened.