Comment 21 for bug 167151

Revision history for this message
Wilsonronl (wilsonronl) wrote :

Undid removal of Helvetica.ttf, then used Mandriva Font
Installer to review installed fonts. Only one set of
Helvetica fonts was present - Postscript Halvetica (aka
Adobe Helvetica).

Retested Save As to Postscript; results were same.

Then used Font Installed to uninstall the Nimbus Sans fonts.

Retested; font was substituted again, but with Bitstream
Vera Sans.

Further experiment: Created a new test page from scratch,
HSTest.svg. The Inkscape font selector allowed me to select
Helvetica, however, font in SVG file was Sans. (file
attached) Generated PS file,, still had Bitstream
Vera Sans.