Comment 1 for bug 1512573

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su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

> It's understandable that Inkscape simplifies text on curve-circle
> by mandating an elipse object.

Why would you think that is so? Inkscape does not modify or enforce a circle (constant radius) into an ellipse (with major and minor radii) when text is put on the circle.

> The help suggests that a circle can be created by holding 'control'.

As described in the manual, circles can be drawn with the ellipse/circle tool by pressing 'Ctrl' while dragging the mouse. If the user additionally presses 'Shift', the circle/ellipse will be drawn from center:

> But this just creates a circlular path.
> A circle is a circle.

Which version of Inkscape do you have installed? The circle/ellipse tool of current stable Inkscape 0.91 actually creates basic SVG shapes <circle> and <ellipse> when feasible (closed shapes), whereas older releases (Inkscape <= 0.48) always created them as SVG <path> elements (for arcs, segments as well as full circle/ellipses) with a 'd' attribute for the path data, and the geometric parameters stored in custom attributes.

Please keep in mind that technically, the current SVG 1.1 specification does not allow to put text on basic SVG shapes [1] (one of the main reasons past releases of Inkscape created <path> elements also for closed circles and ellipses, storing the shape-specific parameter in custom attributes). This will change in (future) SVG 2 which will support putting text not only on paths, but on shapes as well [2]; and (future) SVG 2 will also allow text put on closed paths / shapes to wrap around (in SVG 1.1, the text is cut off beyond the start / end nodes).

Side effect of current Inkscape 0.91 creating basic SVG shapes now for closed circle and ellipses: If you put a text on a circle (or ellipse) in Inkscape 0.91, other SVG renderers might refuse to display text put on the shape (if they strictly interpret the document as SVG 1.1).

> But when trying to copy and paste this between documents, the
> circle is transformed to an elipse.

Please add information about OS/platform to the bug description (along with information about Inkscape version currently installed), and attach a test case (Inkscape SVG file with original object; Inkscape SVG file with pasted object which was modified in its geometry on paste) to allow further investigation of the observed problem on other systems and with different versions of Inkscape.

[1] The SVG 1.1 feature is called 'Text on a path' and is limited to <path> elements:
[2] The ability to place text along a basic shape is new in SVG 2: