Comment 0 for bug 1510909

Revision history for this message
Yegor (entrase) wrote :

If I import this particular DXF, the drawing area becomes blank. This includes objects that are visible prior to importing the file. Changing the display mode, zooming in/out doesn't help. Saving to SVG and re-opening doesn't help either. Bounding boxes, guides and other non-payload stuff are all visible and can be acted upon, but the image itself is blank. It does render on export though.

Steps to take:
1. Start new Inkscape instance.
2. Draw something, a couple shapes will do.
3. Drag the DXF file into the drawing area to import it.
4. Observe the bug.
5. Export the drawing to a PNG file - the image will be there.

The DXF file was generated by Ascon Kompas 3D V13.