Comment 27 for bug 1480651

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David Mathog (mathog) wrote :

I am having a very hard time following what you are doing and understanding how things are failing. We need to work from a well defined and SIMPLE test case. Your goal is to create a test Prism drawing that cannot be copy/pasted into Inkscape, but which is as simple as possible.

Please do the following:

1. Verify that the simplest possible drawing can be copy/pasted into Inkscape trunk from Prism. Try a drawing consisting of a single solid colored rectangle.

If that does NOT work, then we start with that drawing. If it can be copy/pasted successfully then we need to figure out what element(s) in your current drawing are toxic.

2. Starting with a clean Prism drawing, add elements one at a time, or a few at a time, from your current test drawing which fails, and try copy/paste into Inkscape until the new drawing fails.

Once it fails

3. Try removing earlier elements, at each step, attempt a copy and paste. Continue in this manner until removing any remaining element allows the drawing to be copy/pasted into Inkscape.

4. Once you have it narrowed down to the simplest possible copy/paste failing case post a screen shot of that in Prism (call it "SimpleTestCase1_prism.png"), so we know what it is supposed to look like.

5. Save this drawing from Prism as an EMF file "SimpleTestCase1_prism.emf".

6. Try loading that EMF file by opening it from inside an already running copy of Inkscape (the most recent trunk you have). Tell us if it loaded or not. If it loads, but incorrectly, post the resulting SVG file as "SimpleTestCase1_loaded.svg".

7. If a failed copy/paste gets far enough to produce an SVG, please save that as "SimpleTestCase1_pasted.svg".

If there is a difference between the loaded and the pasted svg's that we might not notice, please point it out to us.