Comment 0 for bug 1417071

Revision history for this message
rickmastfan67 (rickmastfan67) wrote :

Inkscape 0.91 r13725 x64
Windows 7 SP1 x64

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached file in a text editor & go to line 57 and notice the text "stroke-width:0.325".
2. Now, open the file in Inkscape.
3. Lock the layer.
4. Re-save the file.

What happens:
When you re-open the file in the text editor and go back down to (now) line 58, the "stroke-width" is now: 0.32499999

What should happen:
Nothing. Inkscape should have never changed the "stroke-width" of the item since you never touched it and only locked the layer.

For some odd reason, Inkscape is shrinking the "stroke-width" of the only item in the SVG by 0.00000001. In that process, it adds an extra 5 bytes to the file.