Comment 0 for bug 1411208

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

Current trunk and 0.91.x builds use the PS settings for EPS export (even though the export dialog loads and saves the EPS settings). With new prefs (no export settings for PS), EPS export always exports the page area (using a tight bbox around the page content).

Steps to reproduce:
1) reset Inkscape prefs (rename the current preferences.xml)
2) download attached test case, and run these commands (cli export):

$ inkscape -f test1.svg -E test1.eps
$ inkscape -f test1.svg -C -E test1-C.eps
$ inkscape -f test1.svg -D -E test1-D.eps
$ grep '%%BoundingBox' test1*.eps
test1-C.eps:%%BoundingBox: 181 333 375 520
test1-D.eps:%%BoundingBox: 181 333 375 520
test1.eps:%%BoundingBox: 181 333 375 520
$ inkscape -f test1.svg -P
$ inkscape -f test1.svg -C -P
$ inkscape -f test1.svg -D -P test1-D.svg
$ grep '%%PageBoundingBox' test1*.ps 181 333 375 520 0 -1 1062 185 181 333 375 520

3) launch inkscape, open test case and export to PS
   (default setting i.e. page area)
4) quit inkscape, repeat step 2
--> same result

5) launch inkscape, open test case and export to PS
   (use 'objects size' aka drawing area)
6) quit inkscape, repeat step 2
--> now all EPS exports use drawing area (form the PS export setting)

Same can be reproduced via GUI: EPS export uses PS export area,
even though the export dialog loads and saves the settings separately.

Reproduced on OS X 10.7.5 with Inkscape 0.91pre3 r13696 and 0.91+devel r13850.
AFAICT this is a regression related to the commits for bug #499965.

Attached patch tested successfully on OS X 10.7.5 with 0.91pre3 r13696 and 0.91+devel r13850