Comment 1 for bug 1410793

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

Please add information about OS X version to the bug description.

1) Could you attach the crash report please? OS X creates crash reports automatically, you can find them in 'Home > Library > Logs > DiagnosticReports' (please choose the latest one for 'inkscape-bin' which was triggered by pasting an image from Chrome - the reports have date and time stamps in the file name).

2) It might also be helpful to see any related console messages output at the time the crash happens:
- browse to the installation folder of Inkscape 0.91pre3 (usually '/Applications')
- select the Inkscape icon, open the context menu and choose 'Show Package Contents'
- in the package contents, browse to 'Contents > MacOS' and double-click 'Inkscape' there
- this will open a non-interactive terminal window (apart from launching inkscape) where all console messages are output
Please save the console output as regular text file, and attach to this report.

3) Which settings do you use for the 'Pasteboard' in X11 Preferences?
(see screenshot at for recommended settings)

4) Which locale (language) do you use Inkscape with?

Crash as described not reproduced on OS X 10.7.5 with
- Inkscape 0.91pre3 r13670
- XQuartz 2.7.7 (xorg-server 1.15.2) (Pasteboard settings as recommended)
- image: Inkscape logo (upper left corner) at
- browser: recent Chromium snapshot (42.0.2276.0 (64-bit))
- browser: Firefox 34.0.5