Comment 3 for bug 1289708

Revision history for this message
Jayson Bourne (jaysonb) wrote :


Thanks for the quick response.

 Wow! I am shocked and amazed! I do graphics for a living and I have to respectfully say that I have never heard of the Cartesian coordinate system being used in any web/print graphics application. I usually (almost always) type X & Y coordinates to place points etc. into such fields so I will not be able to use this otherwise brilliant software. This will always remain a bug as far as I am concerned. At best there should be a setting that allows the user to not have to work upside down with a file format that obviously is not designed to be saved like that.

I hope Bug #170049 gets some attention soon and it becomes a setting at the very least for us lesser beings to also be able to use the application without the need to constantly remind ourselves the ruler is upside down. I better shut up now... Too many questions are being raised in my head as to the origins of this situation and it makes me want to lash out at someone, but that would be totally uncalled for here I guess. If I could code I would be on this like white on rice, but alas I can not.

PS: You suggested "Proposing to link as duplicate to bug #170049.", but I do not know how to do that, so can someone please do this for me or let me know how to?
