Comment 2 for bug 1289708

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su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

Like many drawing applications, Inkscape uses the first quadrant of the Cartesian coordinate system for the drawing area: the origin is in the lower left corner of the page (check the values on the rulers at the top and the left edge of the canvas).

See also:
«One confusing aspect is that Inkscape uses a different scale internally. On the canvas, the x and y coordinates increase as one moves right or up. Internally the y coordinate is flipped as per the SVG standard. Thus, (0, 0) is defined from the upper-left corner of the page region internally but at the bottom-left corner in the canvas window. The internal scale is fixed (by default) to 90 dpi. The internal scale is important if you wish to edit by hand an object using the XML Editor. »

The request to change the GUI coordinate system to match the SVG coordinate system, or to support a configurable GUI coordinate system, is tracked in:
- Bug #170049 (sf859982) “Inverted ruler co-ordinate system”

Proposing to link as duplicate to bug #170049.