Comment 0 for bug 1249361

Revision history for this message
Ferdinand Rau (rauferd) wrote :

When using Cairo to save a drawing as .eps (or .ps) document, text is not preserved as is.
Instead, presumably because of kerning, ")<random numer>(" is inserted into longer blocks of text every few characters.

The resulting eps file contains text blocks like this:
> BT
> 12.8 0 0 12.8 90.926318 24.343752 Tm
> /f-0-0 1 Tf
> [(One line )3(of continuous )4(text.)]TJ
> ET
instead of:
> BT
> 12.8 0 0 12.8 90.926318 24.343752 Tm
> /f-0-0 1 Tf
> [(One line of continuous text.)]TJ
> ET

Note that this is true even if the "Monospace" font (or other monospaced fonts) are used.

Because of this, tools like psfrag cannot be used with the resulting eps file which can be quite annoying. I am aware of the general discussion on psfrag compatibility: However, I think that this is a separate issue.
I am using Inkscape 0.48.4 on Windows 7 SP1, please find attached an example .svg file and the resulting .eps