Comment 0 for bug 1244861

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

Changing the default units for the current document may affect the size of the visual bounding box (the visual selection cue is noticeably enlarged after switching default units from 'px' to 'm' or 'ft', with an empty margin around the actual stroked object)

Steps to reproduce:
1) launch current trunk with default (new) preferences, new document based on the default (not localized) template
2) draw a rectangle (e.g. as wide as the page, height about one third of the page height)
3) keep rectangle selected (with default prefs it has a blue fill, and a black stroke, 1px wide)
4) open document properties and change default units from 'px' to 'm' (or 'ft')

Expected result:
The size of the visual bbox selection cue relative to the outer edges of the selected stroked object does not change.

Actual result:
After changing the document units, the selection cue is enlarged. This enlarged visual bbox persists after saving, and reloading the document. New stroked objects drawn in the document after the unit change also show an unexpectedly larger visual bbox.

Confirmed with r12726 on OS X 10.7.5.

Based on tests with archived builds:
- not reproduced with rev <= 12552,
- reproduced with rev >= 12554,
this regression was introduced with the merge of the GSoC unit-improvement branch in revision 12554: