Comment 4 for bug 1229678

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Markus Engel (engelmarkus) wrote :

First of all: There's something wrong with this "select same" function. It says "22 objects selected", although there are only 11 paths in the whole file. This happens in r12531 as well, that's before c++ification.

Okay, the crash is caused due to the fact that there is one path in your file with 0 nodes, namely:
<path style="fill:#ffb380;stroke:none" d="" id="path3306" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
As paths with an empty d attribute are allowed ("Note that the BNF allows the path ‘d’ attribute to be empty. This is not an error, instead it disables rendering of the path."), we should think about how to handle that best. I think this can cause lots of other problems as well. Should SPPath return "NULL" when it's got an empty d attribute or should it return a pointer to an empty SPCurve object?