Comment 0 for bug 1096350

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Alex Valavanis (valavanisalex) wrote :

Inkscape currently use the GtkHandleBox widget to provide a "tear-off" toolbox in widgets/toolbox.cpp. This widget is deprecated in GTK+ 3.4 [1] and will eventually be removed. From the Gtk+ API reference...

"GtkHandleBox has been deprecated. It is very specialized, lacks features to make it useful and most importantly does not fit well into modern application design. Do not use it. There is no replacement."

We will need to adapt our code accordingly.


1. Get rid of "tear-off" functionality completely, and just have fixed
toolboxes... probably the easiest option!

2. Switch to using GDL and putting all toolboxes into a dockable dialog.

3. "Adopt" the GtkHandleBox code and maintain a fork of it (as we did
with GtkRuler)

4. Something radical, new and exciting..!?
