Comment 0 for bug 1069172

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su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

With GTK3 builds, the scale of the ruler doesn't match precisely the scale of the canvas area:

At the center of the current viewport, the ruler ticks match precisely with objects/grid/guides on the canvas, but towards the edges of the displayed canvas area, they get out-of-sync by a few screen pixel.

Steps to reproduce:
1) launch inkscape with default preferences
2) position a vertical guide at the origin 0,0 (lower left corner of the page)
3) scroll the canvas horizontally

Expected result:
Guide and rulers stay in sync precisely

Actual result:
If the canvas is scrolled and the guide displays near the edge of the current viewport, the tick on the ruler and the position of the guide get out-of-sync by a few screen pixels (proportional to the distance from the center of the current viewport).

Reproduced with Inkscape 0.48+devel 11814 on OS X 10.7.4:
- gtk3/x11 3.4.4, gtkmm 3.4.0, glib 2.32.4, glibmm 2.32.1
- gtk3/quartz 3.6.1, gtkmm 3.5.13, glib 2.34.1, glibmm 2.33.14