Comment 13 for bug 1043571

Revision history for this message
David Mathog (mathog) wrote :

(comment 12). lp988601 is based on revision 11679. There are changes incorporated in lp988601 that are post r11689, some
are in the branch that I downloaded, and some were made locally after that. There are also changes in trunk since r11679. I want to modify lp988601 so that the local copy has both sets of changes applied.

What I had been doing before ~suv made the lp988601 branch was to keep all of my changes in a big patch file. To start
work on a new trunk revision, it would be downloaded with

  bzr checkout --lightweight lp:inkscape

and then the patches would be applied to it with

  patch -p0 <patches"

For some reason the patch command doesn't work with lp988601 though, even when I know the patch isn't in lp988601, it still gives messages like at the beginning of (8).