Comment 9 for bug 1024690

Revision history for this message
Alvin Penner (apenner) wrote :

I think Bug 243162 still exists

- start Inkscape rev 11519
- load file text.svg
- confirm that sodipodi:docname = C:\WINDOWS\Temp\text.svg as expected
- now select something and run the Extension->Color->Darker or something
- confirm that sodipodi:docname = C:\DOCUME~1\Alvin\LOCALS~1\Temp\ink_ext_XXXXXX.svgWWTQHW

- this is not expected. It is conceivable that there may be some purpose in passing the temporary filename to a Python extension, however, I would hope that the sodipodi:docname would revert back to the original value after the extension is complete. Basically I think what I would like to see is that the sodipodi:docname should always be the same as the title in the Inkscape frame.