Comment 0 for bug 1004149

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Jon (jonpad) wrote : Italic of font with no italic variant results in wrong family specification & rendering issues

Create a text object in Inkscape (click rather than drag) and select a font that does +not+ have an italic variant. In my case, I'm using a TT font called "American Typewriter" (version 6.1d5e2, I think it came with OS X). Write a line of text, select a portion, and italicise this portion. This writes the <tspan> incorrectly - the '-inkscape-font-specification' becomes "American Typewriter Italic", rather than "American Typewriter" (the 'font-style: italic;' is correctly written and would be enough on its own to render the oblique font correctly).

The result of this is that PDF exports do not correctly render the italicised/oblique portion. However a PNG export +does+ render it correctly. Fixing the font in the XML editor and reloading the document is sufficient to get it working again.

If you repeat the experiment with a font that does have an italic variant, such as "Times New Roman", the font specification is written correctly (without the "Italic" suffix) and the PDF export works fine.

Running 0.48.2 (r9819) on OS X 10.6.8. Sample bug case attached.