Comment 0 for bug 1315487

Revision history for this message
Ryan Lerch (ryanlerch) wrote :

During the review[1] for the 0.91 release, the following issues were identified for the Tips and Tricks tutorial:

* Uses old label for the menu item formerly called 'Vaccum Defs' -> in trunk now called ''''Clean up Document''''.
* Uses old label for the menu item formerly called 'File > Export Bitmap' -> in trunk now called ''''File > Export PNG Image''''
* The dialog's name should be ''''Create Tiled Clones'''', not 'Tile Clones'.
* SVG slice extension link invalid (digitalunleach doesn't seem to provide the extension anymore). New possible link: Note that the extension is quite old and may not work with 0.91 (not tested yet). Also note that we now provide a Web>Slicer extension menu that could replace it.
* All shortcuts should show the same modifiers older (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Key). Some invert Shift and Ctrl : Ctrl+Shift+A, Ctrl+Shift+D.
* ''In the Pen (Bezier) tool, you have the following options to finish the current line:... Select the Pen tool again''. Doesn't work if one tries to select the Pen tool with its shortcut (but works with the toolbar icon).
* Entering Unicode values. Should we mention the new Glyphs dialog?
* Drop shadows. Inkscape also provides a custom predefined Drop shadows filter.
* Uses old label for the preferences item formerly called 'Windows' -> in trunk now called ''''Interface > Windows''''.
* ''PostScript or EPS formats do not support transparency''. They do, but transparency is rasterized.
* ''Exporting gradients to PS or EPS does not work for text (unless text is converted to path) or for stroke paint''. Seems to work now.

[1] -