Comment 2 for bug 1363906

Revision history for this message
Charles Kerr (charlesk) wrote :

This is intentional behavior as per bug #1350771 ("Software updates listed as "Unknown Download", 0 bytes, with broken icon") where Design opines:

> What you should see: either
> (A) the transfers indicator should not exist, or
> (B) it should not list software updates, which already have their own UI, or
> (C) each update should be listed with the correct name (for example "Update to Shorts"), correct size, and correct icon.

Since (A) is not practical for RTM and since (C) is impossible at this time as the icon and title metainfo is not available for these downloads, I opted for (B).

More specifically, anything that doesn't conduct its downloads through the content-hub is no longer displayed by the transfer indicator. This also solves other bugs similar to #1350771 e.g. bug #1350307