Comment 14 for bug 1267135

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Sure, this string does not belong in unity8. But that does not necessarily mean it belongs in indicator-network. For example, we might decide in future that the SIM unlock screen should have no indicators at all. When switching on your phone, it would be annoying if you still had to wait for indicator-network to start up, not because it was going to appear yet, but solely because it contained some of the SIM unlock UI!

This reminds me of update-notifier on PC, which has outlived its UI for five years now, because people inserted sundry unrelated code in there in the belief that it would always be running.

I'm surprised to learn of the existence of "x-canonical-simpin", and I have two followup questions.

1. After you enter the PUK code, you need to enter and then confirm a new SIM PIN. If we decided to put those two PIN fields in the same dialog, would that require code changes in unity8?

2. In the wi-fi prompt <>, the "Connect" button should change to "Connect…" whenever the selected network is a secure one. Would that involve code in unity8?

If the answer to those questions is yes, the problem here isn't just a string.