Comment 0 for bug 1767893

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Tim (t69) wrote : Freezes GUI on Ubuntu 18.04

I installed Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver a couple of days ago.

I used sudo apt-get install indicator-multiload to install SLI.

I ran indicator-multiload. A tiny icon appeared in the menu area.

I right-clicked on it, selected preferences, and then adjusted the width of the indicator. Didn't seem to work. Added the option for disk activity — got a text readout.

About 10 seconds later my entire GUI locked up. I couldn't do anything except move the mouse.

Didn't know about REISUB at the time, so had to do a hard reboot.

When the system came back up, it entered the GUI for about a second (I got to see the desktop for that long) before automatically exiting the GUI and going back to the Login screen. If I logged back in the system would hang. This was repeatable.

Rebooting into the CLI via GRUB, and issuing sudo apt-get purge indicator-multiload restored the GUI to a functioning state.

Reinstalling indicator-multiload resulted in 1 sec GUI failure (auto kickout to Login screen) as before.

Not sure where to go or what to try from here.