Comment 0 for bug 960716

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Zygmunt Krynicki (zyga) wrote :

<zyga> rsalveti, snowball hwpack _or_ snowball support in lmc is broken
<rsalveti> zyga: not sure, lag would know better
<zyga> rsalveti, snowball nano images don't start up eth0, there are no entries in /etc/network/interfaces
 lag, ^^
 Danib danilo_ danilos
 danilo_ danilos
 danilo_ danilos
 danilos, ^^
<rsalveti> that's fine, probably something that needs to be fixed at the hwpack size
<zyga> one of you will want to fix this
 did you mean "side"?
<rsalveti> sorry, side :-)
<zyga> right
 if anyone reports this (I'm not sure where the fault lies)
<rsalveti> any other issue?
<zyga> please send me the bug number
 rsalveti, not at this time
<rsalveti> let me check the hwpack
<zyga> thanks
<rsalveti> zyga:
<rsalveti> ot
<-- lgro has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
<rsalveti> it's still using hwpack v1 :-(
 if it was v2 you'd just need to add "wired_interfaces=eth0"
<zyga> rsalveti, I don't know what that means sadly
 rsalveti, I see
<rsalveti> different config format
<zyga> rsalveti, well I'm glad LAVA helps you uncover bugs :)
 linusw leio linarobot` linarolog lool lbt lag liuyq-afk LetoThe2nd
 lag, ^^ now I'm sure you want to fix this :)
<rsalveti> ok, can you open a bug against the igloocommunity project?
<zyga> yup
<rsalveti> zyga: thanks