Comment 712 for bug 1

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»John« (john.denton) wrote : "Windows whining"

Ordcestus, you get that right and I really appreciate all your hard work. I wished I had the resources to do as much as you're doing right now but believe me I'm definitely not "the user
 who sits on his hands warming them
 with his own exhaust while everybody else
 does the work".

The problem is you don't seem to get what I mean - doing our best distributing GNU/Linux even using our entire user base is nothing to compared to how much of their shit Microsoft is able to get to people every day the way I'm talking about without even trying.
I think calling to arms to make these practices stop as soon as possible is definitely not something to be thought of as "Windows whining" in any way.
Although many of us do whatever they can, convincing people to switch becomes increasingly difficult the more they get addicted to Windows and seeing the results of all my efforts falling far short to Microsoft's distribution machinery, I really don't think that despite all our massive grassroots activity (or "guerila warfare" if you wish) can't really make any significant difference in the long run.

Think of it this way - taking this unfair advantages from them right now will definitely save us much work in the future because if Microsoft keeps constantly pumping Windows into every pre-built computer out there (especially with the increasing market share for laptops which are where the problem is most obvious), we will soon find ourselves in the situation when we have no audience interested in our "now average joe-proof" system.

And finally, all the user friendliness as you see it is caused by patent restrictions (I think this is the case of the DVD playback you mentioned and unfortunately for us it's something we can't help) and unlimited 3rd party support which we'll never get unless there's enough of us, so again - trying to stop this machinery is in our best interest and should be a priority.