Comment 627 for bug 1

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TGM (tommann.home) wrote :

In Response to Drascus - There is a version of Ubuntu called Gobuntu which aims to only use free software. However Ubuntu gives us more choice than anything RMS could come up with - it gives us a choice, for example, to get the best out of our 3D cards, or to move over to Linux and use programs with an interface we already know well, or even to play our compressed audio/video files and sync our ipods.

I'd love to see free software come out on top over the rest - but now is not quite the time. Mixing proprietary and open-source gives us all the best of both worlds, and we have the choice to opt out of proprietary if we choose.

In terms of Linux taking over - Microsoft have Embrace-Extend-Extinguish. Maybe we need a special phrase for a good method to improve global share.

I'm going to suggest Imitate-Educate-Rehabilitate

- Imitate is to show people the open source alternatives that do the same job.
- Educate is to show people the good points of open source without attacking proprietary - we need to show people we're the good guys, but also show impartiality, e.g. let people know that movement is happening in the open source world to 3D drivers but at this point in time you'll get more performance from the proprietary one. (Ubuntu does a good job of this in it's restricted drivers manager)
- Rehabilitate is to introduce Ubuntu to the persons life and show them how they really do not need Windows anymore. (OK Games are the exception at the moment - but I don't see that staying that way for too much longer)

The above is a first draft - any input? :-D