Comment 0 for bug 980509

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Diep Pham (favadi) wrote :

Strange behaviour of ibus-el.

I'm using emacs in daemon mode.
If I start emacsclient like:
    emacsclient -c
I can use ibus-toggle normally.
But if i start emacsclient with a file name like:
    emacsclient -c aa.txt
When use ibus-toggle, I get IBus: Couldn't receive data from agent.

Any one can confirm this bug?

My ibus-el config:

(require 'ibus)
;; (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'ibus-mode-on)
(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions
          (lambda (new-frame)
            (select-frame new-frame)
            (or ibus-mode (ibus-mode-on))))