Comment 9 for bug 410596

Revision history for this message
LeetMiniWheat (white-phoenix) wrote :

you need to download the i8kutils source package, then compile smm with "make smm" or if you're on 64bit "gcc -m32 -o smm smm.c" then you can run the ./smm command after it's compiled to turn off BIOS control of the fan.

Also I noticed on my Dell Vostro 1400, the first fan number is null, always returns -1 and the second number is the actual fan so I had to modify the config like this:
set config(0) {{-1 0} -1 60 -1 65}
set config(1) {{-1 1} 55 70 58 75}
set config(2) {{-1 2} 60 80 65 85}

your mileage may vary depending on laptop model.