Activity log for bug #387874

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2009-06-16 12:54:33 Etienne bug added bug
2009-06-16 18:24:02 David Siegel hundredpapercuts: status New Incomplete
2009-06-18 14:46:28 David Siegel hundredpapercuts: status Incomplete Confirmed
2009-08-10 14:45:27 David Siegel hundredpapercuts: milestone round-5
2009-08-10 16:43:26 Vish summary Downscrolling to increase the sound Volume change should be consistent with Scrolling direction
2009-08-10 17:14:01 David Siegel summary Volume change should be consistent with Scrolling direction Downscrolling should decrease, not increase volume
2009-08-10 19:36:38 Michael Rooney bug task added gnome-applets (Ubuntu)
2009-08-10 19:37:17 Michael Rooney gnome-applets (Ubuntu): importance Undecided Medium
2009-08-10 19:37:17 Michael Rooney gnome-applets (Ubuntu): status New Triaged
2009-08-10 19:39:56 Michael Rooney description Stupid but simple thing: in the volume control, if I want to increase the sound, I have to downscroll with the mouse's wheel. It would be more user-friendly to upscroll... Scrolling down should decrease volume, while scrolling up should increase it. Scrolling on the volume applet icon in gnome-panel behaves correctly, but if you click the applet and mouse over the slider control and scroll there, it behaves in the opposite fashion.
2009-08-10 20:50:52 Chris Coulson gnome-applets (Ubuntu): status Triaged Invalid
2009-08-10 21:56:54 Michael Rooney hundredpapercuts: status Confirmed Fix Released
2009-08-22 22:39:52 komputes attachment added scroll_reversed_jaunty.png
2009-08-22 22:40:22 komputes hundredpapercuts: status Fix Released Confirmed
2009-08-22 22:42:51 komputes gnome-applets (Ubuntu): status Invalid Confirmed
2009-08-22 22:44:01 komputes description Scrolling down should decrease volume, while scrolling up should increase it. Scrolling on the volume applet icon in gnome-panel behaves correctly, but if you click the applet and mouse over the slider control and scroll there, it behaves in the opposite fashion. Scrolling down should decrease volume, while scrolling up should increase it. Scrolling on the volume applet icon in gnome-panel behaves correctly, but if you click the applet and mouse over the slider control and scroll there, it behaves in the opposite fashion. Only affects 9.04 Jaunty. Fix requested for 9.04 and not subsequent releases.
2009-08-22 23:30:26 Chris Coulson gnome-applets (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Invalid
2009-08-22 23:30:47 Chris Coulson hundredpapercuts: status Confirmed Fix Released