Comment 0 for bug 342567

Revision history for this message
Dylan McCall (dylanmccall) wrote :

When keyboard accessibility features are turned on, gnome-settings-daemon watches for the user pressing Ctrl multiple times or holding down Shift for 8 seconds. When this happens, it presents a notification bubble asking the user if he wishes to activate the corresponding feature (Sticky Keys and Slow Keys).

Jaunty's new notify-osd falls back to popping up a dialog box. (One with the distinct aura of not wanting to be there). In any notification system without that kind of fallback, it would be impossible to enable sticky or slow keys since the system blindly relies on an action button being pressed.

Specifically, this problem lies in gnome-settings-daemon/plugins/a11y-keyboard, with ax_slowkeys_warning_post and ax_stickykeys_warning_post. The plugin should check on the notification daemon's capabilities. In the absense of actions, it should either fall back to its own dialog box or present a transient notification and immediately enable / disable sticky keys. (The existing message text already explains the keyboard shortcut for doing so).

I am posting this first to Launchpad instead of upstream, because I think Ubuntu at the moment is more committed to the issue.